Month: January 2017

New laws on putting – R&A and USGA ruling

Golf can be cruel at times… especially around the green in high winds..just ask Dustin Johnson who famously incurred a one shot penalty at last years US Open after his ball appeared to move before he putted.

The R&A and USGA have now moved to clarify the ruling so if the same situation occurs in the future then the outcome will be entirely different. This is all thanks to a new rule, which is now available for club committees to implement as well.

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How important is the halfway house to your game?

How important is the halfway house?

With such a focus on the speed of a round of golf these days; do many of us miss out on the all important Halfway House and what it has to offer?

Whilst Halfway huts differ vastly they do offer a great opportunity not only to refuel, but to also reflect on what may be going well, or not so well in your round so far and give you the opportunity to switch off and put yourself in a better place.

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